Sam's job is going well, and we just signed lease stuff for the condo we're moving into on Oct. 4th. Happy birthday Sam! You get a new apartment! Yay! Lol. The current tennant is moving out on the 30th, and then we'll spend the 1st and 2nd doing the walk-through and painting the baby and master bedroom, and then finally we'll move in on Monday the 4th!
We are really lucky to have such great parents/inlaws to let us stay in their house for the entire summer. Mary and Kim are great. And I have to admit, although I loathed coming here, I think it's been a really good experience for all of us. I've finally been able to learn how they work, how such and odd family can possible work without really much communication. They're a fantastic family, and what I've learned is this; they communicate usually only when it's really necessary. This tactic is something my family has never heard of. We are always up in each others business and trying to know whats going on with everyone. While some of us have tried to escape this very annoying family trait we have, most of us are still stuck there. For me, living here with Mary and Kim and seeing how their family works close up has really helped me realize how unspoken communication is just as important as when it's spoken. They're not a very talky bunch, unless you get Kim started on something he's really interested in, but other than that they're really mellow.
Although I really think Mal has helped a lot with bridging gaps between me and Sam's parents. The excitement and terror of being first time parents has really helped us reach a little bit more to Mary and Kim in their advice, and Mary is SO EXCITED to have a grandchild. She's not an extroverted person, at least not around family, but the little things we've done together for Mal has really opened my eyes to what a wonderful woman my mother in law is. I've even learned a little cooking! Kim is still hard to read, but I get the feeling that when Mal is actually here, he'll show a little more excitement. Mal is going to have absolutely wonderful Grandparents.
On a sillier note, Yume looks like an Albino Ewok right now. She has a sore the size of a quarter on the back of her head from a food allergy. Switching the food to one that has no corn has helped alot and it's starting to heal, but she keeps scratching the scabs off and then they bleed and then it's just a vicious cycle. So to help the healing along, I made a hood for her out of one of my socks to keep her from scratching so much at it. It seems to be working. I'll be glad when she's all better. I don't enjoy making my cat.... Oh no wait, yes I do. When Sam gave me the idea to use a sock as the hood last night at like 1:30am, we could not stop laughing when we actually put it on her. We were tired, yes, but Yume was so not happy about the entire situation it was just too funny. And Miyuki seems to be mocking Yume ever time they passed each other. Oh kitties, I love you.
So Mal is growing strong, we start the birthing and parenting classes on Monday, we have our condo to move into in October, and living here at the Hancock's has been a real blessing all around. Life is good, and I'm excited for the adventures that await us.